Term 3 Writing

We are learning to:
write a description
use an iPad to publish our writing
read our writing in a clear voice

Term 3 Maths - Measurement and Length

WALT estimate and measure a metre.

Miss Frampton: What is a metre long?
Carter B: The blue table is a meter long.

Term 3 Writing

We are learning to:
write a description of a character

The Big Bad Wolf!

Term 2 Writing

I am learning to use my red dictionary
to help me spell tricky words.

Term 2 Music

WALT clap a rhythm pattern

Extended Abstract
Clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat.

I need help to clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat.

I can clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat if I am prompted or directed.
I use several strategies to clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat but I am not sure when and or why to use them.

(trial and error – aware of strategies but not sure why or when to use them so makes mistakes)
I use several strategies to clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat and I know when and why to use them.

(strategic or purposeful use of strategies – knows why and when ).
I use several strategies to clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat and I know when and why to use them.
I can teach others to clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat.

I act as a role model for others to help them clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat.

I seek feedback on how to improve how I can clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat.